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Palo Santo 101

Introducing our new product, our sustainable Palo Santo bundles. For those of you who are new to Palo Santo we have got all bases covered, we explain what it is, how to use it, how ARDERE’s Palo Santo is sustainable and how often you should be using.   What is Palo Santo? Palo Santo (Bursera...

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Balanced Plate Grilled Chicken, Green Vegetables, Quinoa

How to Build a Balanced Plate

Building a balanced plate of food is always a sure-fire way to stay on track for good health. You don’t need to be spot-on every single day, just try to get your balance right across the week. Doing so helps you to pay attention to your meals and remain mindful of what foods you are...

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Nature – Why Does it Make Us So Happy?

Whether Iโ€™m going for a walk in the park, countryside or on a beach, I instantly feel more at peace within myself when Iโ€™m in nature. I know it has this effect on so many of us, but why is this? The Japanese have long realised the beneficial health and mood effects of being in...

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