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Does Going Vegan Equate to weight loss

Does Going Vegan Equate to Weight Loss?

Countless people in the public eye credit their weight loss journeys down to a vegan diet, but does going plant-based automatically mean you will lose weight? Our registered Nutritionist and Naturopath, Lauren Windas explains why this isn’t necessarily the case… What does going vegan entail? Going vegan consists of avoiding all animal products (i.e. meat,...

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How to Choose a Natural Healthier Sun Cream

Summer is here, that means the legs are out and it’s time to soak up some vitamin D. But it also means that you are more likely to get skin damage unless you’re properly protected. The answer… sun cream of course, however not all sun creams are created equally, and whilst you might think some...

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Pomegranate Molasses, Walnuts, Honey, Chia Seeds, Orange, Lemon, Food Philosophy

ARDERE: Our Food Philosophy

ARDERE’s food philosophy is all about promoting the ways in which you can add more natural foods into your diet in a delicious and simple way. We believe that food is incredibly powerful. Through each bite of food that you eat you are influencing your health and wellbeing. This is why our recipes strive to...

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