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Travel The World Through Scent: The Yorkshire Dales

They say there’s no place like home, and for us that is in the heart of the Yorkshire countryside. We grew up in Yorkshire before venturing to London to pursue our dreams of building ARDERE. When we go home, we now treasure being able to escape the city to the quiet life of the countryside...

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World Digestive Health Day: Stress & The Gut

For World Digestive Health Day, Co-founder Lauren Windas is sharing a bit about her relationship with her gut and the role of which stress plays a part. “As a result of battling with M.E / CFS, my energy levels were not the only thing out of whack. No matter what I did, or what food...

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5 Quick Fixes for Stress

Stress is everywhere. You don’t need to look far nowadays to see how much physical, mental and emotional stress permeates into every aspect of our lives. As life becomes more and more fast-paced, our bodies and minds are now reacting negatively due to the increasing pressures placed upon them. Stress is something that very easily...

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