Latest Articles
Highlights of our most recent blog articles
Nature – Why Does it Make Us So Happy?
Whether I’m going for a walk in the park, countryside or on a beach, I instantly feel more at peace within myself when I’m in nature. I know it has this effect on so many of us, but why is this? The Japanese have long realised the beneficial health and mood effects of being in...
A Very Special Introduction…
We have a very special introduction to make this Monday morning! We would like to introduce you all to our official new member of the ARDERE team! Alex aka ARDERE Alex or our baby seal pup as we like to call him. This little fur baby is responsible for office moral and keeping us all...
World Earth Day
Today we celebrate World Earth Day. First celebrated in 1970, World Earth Day is about raising awareness for the need to support and protect our environment. At ARDERE, celebrating nature is at the heart of everything we do. We respectfully harness the essential oils from plants that go into our aromatherapy candles. We carefully capture the scents of nature...