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Highlights of our most recent blog articles
M.E Awareness Day: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Online Event
It wasn’t too long ago we held our expert panel event raising awareness for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (also referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). As many of you know, co-founder Lauren’s journey into holistic health began when she became unwell with the illness. After having recovered in recent years through diet and lifestyle intervention, ARDERE is...
Does Going Vegan Equate to Weight Loss?
Countless people in the public eye credit their weight loss journeys down to a vegan diet, but does going plant-based automatically mean you will lose weight? Our registered Nutritionist and Naturopath, Lauren Windas explains why this isn’t necessarily the case… What does going vegan entail? Going vegan consists of avoiding all animal products (i.e. meat,...
5 Ways to Be More Mindful this Spring
As we head into Springtime, it’s a time for us to come out of hibernation from the winter and enter the new season with some powerful energy and zest for life. But with that energy sometimes comes an element of stress and tension, as we try to push through our to-do lists and achieve, achieve,...