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Highlights of our most recent blog articles


Defining Eating Disorders

In honour of #eatingdisordersawarenessweek, I’m opening up the conversation all about eating disorders, breaking the stigma and talking all about how important it is to embrace a healthy relationship with food! In clinic I can work with you 1-2-1 to support you on your journey when facing disordered eating. Food is as much a reflection...

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Girl drinking bottled water on beach in Mauritius

Water: How much should you be drinking?

You may have heard that we need to drink 8 glasses of water (2 litres) per day. Whilst this is a good guideline, how much water we actually need per day varies from person to person. Water makes up approximately 60% of your body weight. Your cells, organs, and tissues all utilise water in order...

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World Earth Day

Today we celebrate World Earth Day. First celebrated in 1970, World Earth Day is about raising awareness for the need to support and protect our environment. At ARDERE, celebrating nature is at the heart of everything we do. We respectfully harness the essential oils from plants that go into our aromatherapy candles. We carefully capture the scents of nature...

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