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What a Nutritionist thinks of Aspartame
You may have seen a number of headlines these past weeks surrounding the artificial sweetener Aspartame as being set to be listed as (possibly) carcinogenic. Our head nutritionist, Lauren Windas is sharing her views on this conversional ingredient… Aspartame is an artificial sugar alternative found in many diet drinks, sugar-free chewing gum, some sugar-free or...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: 12 Quick Facts
With our M.E/CFS event coming up this weekend we wanted to share 12 quick facts about this debilitating chronic illness that is affecting millions in the world yet is not spoken about nor understood enough about. M.E is estimated to affect 250,000 people in the UK – including children and adolescents. M.E has a unique...
A Very Special Introduction…
We have a very special introduction to make this Monday morning! We would like to introduce you all to our official new member of the ARDERE team! Alex aka ARDERE Alex or our baby seal pup as we like to call him. This little fur baby is responsible for office moral and keeping us all...