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Scent Therapy Boosting Wellbeing through Scent - Scented ARDERE Candles

Scent Therapy: How Scent can Boost your Wellbeing

At ARDERE we are huge lovers of the power of scent, which is why our candles pack the most beautiful and unique aromas. We want to share with you just how scent can promote your sense of wellbeing. This is one of the many reasons why we felt compelled to create ‘The Self-discovery Collection’. The...

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Girl on beach in Mauritius recovering health journey ME and chronic fatigue

My Health Journey

I guess there is something particularly controversial about opening up to strangers and laying yourself bare, but in order to express the nature of what is it that I do, first I must tell you my story… Note before you read: this one’s a lengthy piece and was hard to condense. I’ve gone into detail...

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Palo Santo 101

Introducing our new product, our sustainable Palo Santo bundles. For those of you who are new to Palo Santo we have got all bases covered, we explain what it is, how to use it, how ARDERE’s Palo Santo is sustainable and how often you should be using.   What is Palo Santo? Palo Santo (Bursera...

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