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What a Nutritionist Thinks of Aspartame

What a Nutritionist thinks of Aspartame

You may have seen a number of headlines these past weeks surrounding the artificial sweetener Aspartame as being set to be listed as (possibly) carcinogenic. Our head nutritionist, Lauren Windas is sharing her views on this conversional ingredient… Aspartame is an artificial sugar alternative found in many diet drinks, sugar-free chewing gum, some sugar-free or...

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Girl on beach in Mauritius recovering health journey ME and chronic fatigue

My Health Journey

I guess there is something particularly controversial about opening up to strangers and laying yourself bare, but in order to express the nature of what is it that I do, first I must tell you my story… Note before you read: this one’s a lengthy piece and was hard to condense. I’ve gone into detail...

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Girl drinking bottled water on beach in Mauritius

Water: How much should you be drinking?

You may have heard that we need to drink 8 glasses of water (2 litres) per day. Whilst this is a good guideline, how much water we actually need per day varies from person to person. Water makes up approximately 60% of your body weight. Your cells, organs, and tissues all utilise water in order...

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