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In Loving Memory of Our Hero
A very personal read… which we wanted to share with our beautiful supportive community. It has taken a lot to write this post. We have procrastinated, putting it off due to the emotional outpours we have had to conquer in writing it, and then redrafting and redrafting as we wanted it to read so perfectly to...
Fall in love with fall: 5 ways to Hygge
The fresh crisp air, the gorgeous shades of orange foliage, Autumn truly is one of the most beautiful seasons. So let’s fall in love with fall and give into hygge. What is hygge? Hygge is a term coined by the Danish to describe that atmospheric feeling of cosiness, wellness and happiness. It’s that snug feeling...
The Functional Medicine Model
As an M.E sufferer, I saw countless GPs and medical specialists who could find no clue as to what was wrong with me, why my body was failing to function and why all my body systems were out of whack. It’s a tough place to be when the doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong with...