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Highlights of our most recent blog articles
Nature – Why Does it Make Us So Happy?
Whether I’m going for a walk in the park, countryside or on a beach, I instantly feel more at peace within myself when I’m in nature. I know it has this effect on so many of us, but why is this? The Japanese have long realised the beneficial health and mood effects of being in...
How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays in 5 Easy Steps
As we wind down into the winter months and the year draws to a close, we are inundated with Christmas festivities and parties filling up our social calendars. With lots of booze and party food around, it can be difficult to stay on track when it comes to our health. Our resident Nutritionist Lauren Windas...
In Loving Memory of Our Hero
A very personal read… which we wanted to share with our beautiful supportive community. It has taken a lot to write this post. We have procrastinated, putting it off due to the emotional outpours we have had to conquer in writing it, and then redrafting and redrafting as we wanted it to read so perfectly to...