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Highlights of our most recent blog articles

Nature – Why Does it Make Us So Happy?

Whether I’m going for a walk in the park, countryside or on a beach, I instantly feel more at peace within myself when I’m in nature. I know it has this effect on so many of us, but why is this? The Japanese have long realised the beneficial health and mood effects of being in...

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5 Ways to Spend Mother’s Day from Afar

This Sunday’s Mother’s Day is a little bittersweet. Some of you might not be able to see your mum for their special day today, however, I’m sure you’re appreciating them more than ever! Whilst we are normally telling people to spend less time online, the current state of affairs is calling for a digital means...

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: 12 Quick Facts

With our M.E/CFS event coming up this weekend we wanted to share 12 quick facts about this debilitating chronic illness that is affecting millions in the world yet is not spoken about nor understood enough about. M.E is estimated to affect 250,000 people in the UK – including children and adolescents. M.E has a unique...

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