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Girl on beach in Mauritius recovering health journey ME and chronic fatigue

My Health Journey

I guess there is something particularly controversial about opening up to strangers and laying yourself bare, but in order to express the nature of what is it that I do, first I must tell you my story… Note before you read: this one’s a lengthy piece and was hard to condense. I’ve gone into detail...

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5 Quick Fixes for Stress

Stress is everywhere. You don’t need to look far nowadays to see how much physical, mental and emotional stress permeates into every aspect of our lives. As life becomes more and more fast-paced, our bodies and minds are now reacting negatively due to the increasing pressures placed upon them. Stress is something that very easily...

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Blonde Eating Food

Do You Chew Your Food?

If you are somebody who suffers with digestive troubles, I urge you to look at how you are eating. Do you swallow your food after only a couple of chews? Or do you take the time to eat, in a relaxed environment, away from distraction? What you may not realise is that digestion in fact...

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