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Highlights of our most recent blog articles

Nature – Why Does it Make Us So Happy?

Whether I’m going for a walk in the park, countryside or on a beach, I instantly feel more at peace within myself when I’m in nature. I know it has this effect on so many of us, but why is this? The Japanese have long realised the beneficial health and mood effects of being in...

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Travel The World Through Scent

Travel the World Through Scent: Your Itinerary

This month we’re taking you on a journey to virtually travel the world through scent… With so many people indulging in staycations this month, we wanted to bring you a slice of the exotic and that escapist feeling right to your home. All of ARDERE’s scented candles are based on destinations we travelled to when...

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Girl drinking bottled water on beach in Mauritius

Water: How much should you be drinking?

You may have heard that we need to drink 8 glasses of water (2 litres) per day. Whilst this is a good guideline, how much water we actually need per day varies from person to person. Water makes up approximately 60% of your body weight. Your cells, organs, and tissues all utilise water in order...

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