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Highlights of our most recent blog articles

Veganuary: Are you Sticking With It?

This month I sat on a panel event to discuss Veganuary, and whilst Veganuary is coming to an end, some of you may have decided to continue on with veganism. If this is you, here are some tips you may want to bear in mind… I chatted through some of the positives of the vegan...

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ARDERE Tours the UK

ARDERE Tours the UK: Spring into Wellness with Our Spring Events

We are so excited to announce our spring event line up! We are bringing wellness to you, travelling all over the UK! From London to Ireland, to Edinburgh and even the Channel Islands. We will be leading our very own wellness talks on festival main stages discussing the ‘Impacts of Stress on our Health and...

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What a Nutritionist Thinks of Aspartame

What a Nutritionist thinks of Aspartame

You may have seen a number of headlines these past weeks surrounding the artificial sweetener Aspartame as being set to be listed as (possibly) carcinogenic. Our head nutritionist, Lauren Windas is sharing her views on this conversional ingredient… Aspartame is an artificial sugar alternative found in many diet drinks, sugar-free chewing gum, some sugar-free or...

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