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Bedtime Rituals: Sleep Awareness Week
For #sleepawarenessweek we’re sharing some simple evening rituals to help you achieve that perfect slumber. A good night’s sleep is fundamental for both our physical and mental health. Insufficient sleep is associated with some of the leading causes of death such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, accidents and hypertension (Chattu et al. 2019). When we consider...
Water: How much should you be drinking?
You may have heard that we need to drink 8 glasses of water (2 litres) per day. Whilst this is a good guideline, how much water we actually need per day varies from person to person. Water makes up approximately 60% of your body weight. Your cells, organs, and tissues all utilise water in order...
What a Nutritionist thinks of Aspartame
You may have seen a number of headlines these past weeks surrounding the artificial sweetener Aspartame as being set to be listed as (possibly) carcinogenic. Our head nutritionist, Lauren Windas is sharing her views on this conversional ingredient… Aspartame is an artificial sugar alternative found in many diet drinks, sugar-free chewing gum, some sugar-free or...