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BTS of our Book Launch Party

Wow, what a journey it’s been! Over two whole years our co-founder and head Nutritionist and Naturopath, Lauren Windas has been hibernating away writing ARDERE’s debut book ‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Your Route to Recovery’. What is so fantastic is that this book brings our company ARDERE full circle. As many of you know who have...

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What a Nutritionist Thinks of Aspartame

What a Nutritionist thinks of Aspartame

You may have seen a number of headlines these past weeks surrounding the artificial sweetener Aspartame as being set to be listed as (possibly) carcinogenic. Our head nutritionist, Lauren Windas is sharing her views on this conversional ingredient… Aspartame is an artificial sugar alternative found in many diet drinks, sugar-free chewing gum, some sugar-free or...

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Blonde Eating Food

Do You Chew Your Food?

If you are somebody who suffers with digestive troubles, I urge you to look at how you are eating. Do you swallow your food after only a couple of chews? Or do you take the time to eat, in a relaxed environment, away from distraction? What you may not realise is that digestion in fact...

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