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Highlights of our most recent blog articles
Sugar Awareness Week 2020: 3 Simple Ways to Reduce your Intake
In light of sugar awareness week, our resident Nutritionist Lauren Windas (mBANT, CNHC) is giving you 3 top tips on how you can cut down your sugar intake this year: Switch to water: instead of drinking sugar-sweetened beverages (this also includes juices too), opt for water and drink this as much as you can throughout...
World Earth Day
Today we celebrate World Earth Day. First celebrated in 1970, World Earth Day is about raising awareness for the need to support and protect our environment. At ARDERE, celebrating nature is at the heart of everything we do. We respectfully harness the essential oils from plants that go into our aromatherapy candles. We carefully capture the scents of nature...
Veganuary: Are you Sticking With It?
This month I sat on a panel event to discuss Veganuary, and whilst Veganuary is coming to an end, some of you may have decided to continue on with veganism. If this is you, here are some tips you may want to bear in mind… I chatted through some of the positives of the vegan...